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Peak Oil










The Karavans masthead photograph was taken by Colorado mountain biker and photographer Timmy Pitschka.

Solari Audio Seminars
Catherine Fitts Austin

Solari Audio Seminars with Catherine Fitts Austin are produced in a friendly talk show format — available for you to listen or download at your convenience, in either the Web/MP3 Version or the CD Version.

They can be purchased as Collections (sets of 3 seminars each) or as individual seminars.

The Solari Collections
Each of the following is a three seminar set

Special Introductory Collection
Set of 3 Companion Audio Seminars
With Catherine Austin Fitts
(75-80 Minutes Each)

Powerful strategies and tools for navigating uncertain economic times!

Are you looking for a place to start learning about the Solari opportunity? In this introductory package, Catherine Austin Fitts walks you through the Solari framework for surviving and thriving in difficult times, including practical strategies and tips for kick starting your own transformation.

1. Navigate the Falling Dollar
2. Building Real Wealth
3. Where Would Jesus Bank?

The Going Local Collection
Set of 3 Companion Audio Seminars
With Catherine Austin Fitts
(75-80 Minutes Each)

Powerful strategies and tools for navigating uncertain economic times!

If you've listened to our introductory package, and you're sick and tired of hearing about negative stuff and ready for more powerful positive actions to "go local", then this collection is for you.

1. Going Local With Peak Oil
2. Building Your Lifeboat
3. Building Healthy Communities: Spotlight Kalispell

The Investor's Collection
Set of 6 Companion Audio Seminars
With Catherine Austin Fitts
(70-75 Minutes Each)

Powerful strategies and tools for navigating uncertain economic times!

For the ethical investor – this package is perfect for those who have enjoyed our introductory package and are ready to move to practical action.

1. Navigate the Housing Bubble
2. Precious Metals I: An Introduction
Precious Metals II: Investing in Coins
4. Precious Metals III: Investing in Digital Gold
5. Beyond SRI I: Is SRI Hazardous to Our Wealth?
6. Beyond SRI II: Solari Portfolio Strategy

The Real Deal Collection
Set of 3 Companion Audio Seminars
With Catherine Austin Fitts
(75 Minutes Each)

Powerful strategies and tools for navigating uncertain economic times!

There is a tremendous advantage to understanding the "real deal" on the political economy that we call the "tapeworm." The first step to flushing a tapeworm out of your life is to "see" and "feel" it. The pathway to true socially responsible investment of our time and resources is to build an honest map of who and what is responsible for the social irresponsibility draining all of us.

1. The Real Economic Hitmen
2. Narco Dollars for Beginners
3. Navigate the Housing Bubble - Part I

The Complete Collection
Set of 17 Audio Seminars
With Catherine Austin Fitts
(70-80 Minutes Each)

Powerful strategies and tools for navigating uncertain economic times!

Are you eager to master the "real deal" on our political economy, as well as the Solari opportunity to survive and thrive in transformative ways? If yes, then this complete collection is for you. It's a perfect gift for the people you most care about and an excellent starter kit for your Solari Circle library!

Individual Solari Seminars

The above seminars can also be purchased individually.

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